- How long do I need to wait to file a missing persons report?
There is no waiting period. You may call law enforcement immediately upon finding out your loved one has wandered off or gone missing. There is a common assumption that families must wait 24 hours before a missing person report can be filed. This is false. The sooner you and law enforcement act, the better!
- How do I report a missing person?
The first step is to contact your local law enforcement agency, or the agency that is responsible for the area where your loved one was last seen. Try to gather as much descriptive information about your loved one. The more information you can share, the better!
- How do I submit a tip/photo of a missing person?
Please send the photo or tip via email to the Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse at mpicinfo@dps.state.ia.us.
- How do I have someone added or removed from the Clearinghouse?
The Iowa Missing Person Information Clearinghouse website is updated every four hours through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Once an entry is added or removed from NCIC, the website will update during the next cycle. Local law enforcement can assist in clearing missing persons records once the individual has been confirmed as found.
- What type of missing persons alerts does Iowa have?
Iowa has two types of missing persons alerts: AMBER Alert and Endangered Person Advisory. Both alerts must be requested by law enforcement.
- Who can request an AMBER Alert?
Only law enforcement may request activation of an AMBER Alert.
- What are the activation criteria for an AMBER Alert?
The following criteria are used to determine if an AMBER Alert should be issued in Iowa:
Law enforcement confirms a child has been abducted and entry has been made into the IOWA/NCIC Systems
identifying the child as missing.
The child is under the age of 18.
Law enforcement believes the circumstances surrounding the abduction indicate that the child is in danger of serious bodily harm or death.
There is enough descriptive information about the child, abductor, or suspect's vehicle to believe an immediate broadcast alert would help.
- What is an Endangered Persons Advisory?
The Endangered Person Advisory is a voluntary partnership between Iowa law enforcement, broadcasters, media, and organizations representing Iowa citizens and visitors. The Endangered Person Advisory informs the public about a missing/endangered person. Only Iowa law enforcement can initiate an Endangered Person Advisory. Please note that the Emergency Alert System will not be a part of the Endangered Person Advisory.
- How is an Endangered Person Advisory different than an AMBER Alert?
The AMBER Alert is activated when a juvenile is abducted and his or her life is in immediate danger. The AMBER Alert then notifies citizens statewide to help recover that child. For many reasons, the AMBER Alert criteria are very narrow, excluding many people who go missing for a variety of other reasons. The goal of the EPA is to create an alternate alert system which would mobilize a local community to quickly recover another high-risk demographic.